The MFCD denounces Michigan HB 4285

Grand Rapids, Michigan | July 21st, 2023 | 1:00 PM


The Michigan Federation of College Democrats strongly opposes HB 4285, which would amend Michigan’s gun laws to allow for the concealed carry of handguns on college campuses.

Representative Gina Johnsen, the sponsor of the bill, argues that its aim is to make campuses safer for students. But, if safety is the goal, then gun policy should be oriented towards getting guns off of campuses rather than on them. That is why the Michigan Legislature enacted common sense reforms in response to the tragedy, including requirements for universal background checks and extreme risk protection orders.

In order to prevent mass shootings on campuses, further reforms should be enacted to close loopholes and ensure dangerous individuals can not gain access to dangerous weapons. Allowing concealed carry would only “ínflame confusion and chaos in the event of an active shooter situation,” according to Dan Hurley, the executive director of the Michigan Association of State Universities.

Furthermore, in a community already incensed by the tragedy that occurred at MSU, allowing people to carry weapons on campus will only make our students feel less at ease, not more.

Liam Richichi, vice president of MSU College Democrats, voiced his concern with the bill. “Not only does the bill make a moot attempt at appeasing 2nd amendment defenders, it allows for guns to be concealed in the most dangerous locations,” he said. “Large entertainment venues… stadiums, places of worship, daycares, and hospitals are the most vulnerable and crowded locations for an individual with a weapon to be present, putting youth, minorities, and students even more at risk than before.”

The MFCD urges the state legislature to vote down HB 4285.



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